During the course of 560, we learned many things that are useful in education: 

1) Word; references and table of contents 

As teachers we must highlight the importance of referencing students' projects. Thus they will have the sense of giving value to others work but it should be very adequate way. Microsoft word gives us the exact form to fill and thus it references the work alone. Learning about how to make references and table of content helps you decrease the massive work that your students will suffer soon in their research papers.  

2) Google Drive (D-drive) 

One of the most popular online storage. It keeps the work of anyone safe and forever. If you save your work in Google drive, you don't need to worry how recover your data when your laptop is broke, or you don't need to worry about forgetting a USB to share your work. All you need is an internet access so you can access to your work. It also helps teachers to share information, stories, test samples easily with her/his students. Even in submitting their work. It also allows us to view, comment, edit and sometimes limit the users and the access to them

3) Google Forms 

Google forms help us create test, questionnaires, samples and give the access to our students. It saves time and paper. It can also correct their tests automatically without your hard work on the papers. So actually it helps us save time and be eco-friendly 

4) Webinars 

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Webinars are online meetings that helps the instructor pass on the knowledge she has online. The participants can access online without wasting time on the roads to reach to the place of the seminar. Anyone who is interested in a specific subject can participate in this seminar. It's not for an special organization. In addition, you don't need to certain technological equipment. Another positive point is that the seminar will be recorded for those who registered and couldn't attend, so that he/she can watch the broadcast later when he/she finds time. 

5) Blogger 

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The blogger provides the users chance to create their online space to make the others know them easily. They update and upload things that they want which represents themselves. It's just like facebook but has different options and ways. It can have a very high amount of people that can access to it. In addition it encourages the students to blog whatever they are doing and whatever they want to share it with others. Using blog within classroom is a good idea, because it helps the teacher to know her/his students more and more. And turn the classroom into a fun place. 

6) Poster 

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Posters help the readers to get the message in a simple way. It is a summary of a certain topic chosen by the one who prepared it. The preparation is so easy, because you have the temp lets ready already. You just have to fill them out with the information that you want to present it. Posters are efficient in the school and in every academic area. If you stick it on the wall, students will see it daily and will automatically and indirectly save the information in their minds. To conclude, posters are messengers to reach the data to the students in efficient way, and it can be done within no time. 

7) Activinspire 

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Activinspire is a program made for interactive boards so that teachers can use it within the classroom. It's good for explaining a lesson, revising a lesson, making fun exercises...etc. It makes the students engaged to the lesson that is being explained or revised in the class. It also provides the teacher chances to be creative in designing a lesson and make students have fun a long learning.

8) Webquest  

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Webquest is an interactive way of learning. It helps the teacher be more creative. It also engages the students to the lesson that is being taught. It's a modern way of explaining a lesson and having fun at the same time. It has options that the teacher limits the quality and quantity of the information that she wants the students to learn. It even gives the students websites to access online things on the internet and learn who to use the internet efficiently. It also helps the students to become independent thinkers and workers, it motives the students to be engaged to the lesson being explained and to be creative. 

9) Poll Everywhere 

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It is a software designed to decrease the paperwork of the teacher and the students. When the teacher wants to ask a question to the entire class and wants to know all their answers, she just asks the question on this software and students reply her/him through their computers, phones, tablets. The answers automatically appear on the screen and all the audiences can read it directly without moving around or collecting papers. So its an software that saves time and paper within the classroom

10) Rubistar 

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Rubistar helps teachers create rubrics to give them to the students and make them know exactly what is expected from them. Students would know what they must do in order to score their desired target. So it gives the teachers techniques and ways to assess their students' work. You just have to choose your topic that your going to assess, and choose the subjects you want, and it will calculate it alone with no time. You can print it and distribute it to the class. 

11) Zoom 

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It's a way that helps teachers to pass information needed to students. When the teacher wont be able to attend the classroom and has very important information to pass it on, he/she can invite the students into a zoom meeting and pass the information to them through online meeting, without  changing their place. This can be use for business meetings, or teachers' meetings..etc 

12) Quizlet 

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Quizlet is an website that helps the teachers develop quizzes that they are going to serve it to the students. Students can access it online and take the quiz. It saves a lot of time and it's very efficient for the teachers as well as students. It allows the teacher to check the students progress and what they really know and what they don't . 

13) Kahoot 

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Kahoot is a very interesting website that can be designed by the teacher. It's a game like website where the teacher can place the questions, while students have to answer it. The form is multiple choice. It gives students a specific time to answer the questions. And at the end it shows whoever answered the questions more quickly and correctly. Students need computers, phones or tablets to access this website or the game. 

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