Saturday, January 12, 2019


Every children undergo psychological changes during their growth stage, that includes studying as well  as reading , which is the most crucial essentials of early childhood nowadays. No one is born with the ability to know how to read and understand. During their first stages in kindergarten, youngsters learn step by step by getting to know the letters and gradually starting to read. Yet, this stage is becomes disturbed in some cases when the child is suffering from dyslexia. Dyslexia is a psychological disturbance that prevents the children from normal reading thus the child will have many obstacles to read fluently and see clearly. Dyslexia is the disorder that drives the words to dance along the paper confusing the child. For example Annie was a diseased child with dyslexia; she would hardly read her lesson because she sees the letters very wrong like she read “bear” instead of “dear”.
 In other words dyslexia is learning disabilities among children. Some experiments show that, first 1 in 5 people are victims of dyslexia, second among the children who have been placed in intensive centers for their learning disabilities are ¾ dyslexic, third dyslexic people tend to have more brilliant minds also they are more visionary and innovative, at last The US Department Of Health And Human Services claim that about 15% of people have dyslexia and that it is not a very rare disease. Many of multi-millionaire celebrities are “gifted” with dyslexia. From actors and entertainers, Jennifer Aniston is dyslexic and found out about her gift when she was in her 20’s. Even Jim Carrey, the world wide known comedian is diagnosed with dyslexia. Old famous inventors like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein were dyslexic. There are dyslexic artists and designers too such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and Tommy Hilfiger. John Lennon was a dyslexic vocalist, too. Billions of questions flow through everyone’s mind about dyslexia. So what are the causes of dyslexia? What are the symptoms of it? How could it be treated?

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