Thursday, January 10, 2019

Essentialism In Education

Essentialism is the view toward some properties of certain objects that are important to them. The “essence” of a certain object is the sum of the essential properties. According to Essentialism, they have a concept that differs from the others, which is that the concept of the property is something essential to an object. This concept that the Essentialism have is somehow related to the concept of the necessity. One of it’s characteristics is that the property is important or essential to the object unless if the object can still be the same object if it lacks from that property. So if the property is not essential to the object, then it is an accidental property, according to Britannica articles. Therefore, if this “essence” which is known as property is important to the object, and the object loses that essences then the object loses its identity as well.
William Bagley, who is a professor at Columbia University’s Teacher College who is the main proponent of the Essentialism in education.
Bagley (1984) believed that progressive education damaged the moral standards and the intellectual abilities of the students, that’s why he proposed this philosophy knows as essentialism. Therefore, the main principle of essentialism in education is to endure the interests frequently that helps to grow the initial learning efforts. The second principle is to control and guide the immature towards the mature. The third principle which is the ultimate goal is the self-discipline and finally it provides a theory of education. Furthermore, it believes that a theory of education should start with the students’ natural interests to prepare them to social responses. It also believes that learning is the most effective way that directs the students to the purposes and concerns. In addition, students must learn to become active members on the society by actively participating in social activities and social works, Moreover, the curriculum of Essentialism includes ways to teach students to be intelligent and independent. This curriculum must be designed by the teachers and the students themselves. By this way, the students learn the best in their practices and their lives.
Essentialism’s main aim in education is that students should learn multiple subjects specially traditional basic subjects. So Essentialism’s aim is to give students the essential academic knowledge. 
The role of the teacher is Essentialism is important, because it is teacher centered philosophy. The main role of the teacher is to guide the classroom and the students toward educational Essentialism. So when the teacher is the center of the education, they must be disciplinary and rigid order. They must also be the role modal for the students.

Students role in the is to learn about people, events, ideas and institutions so that students get prepared for life and be able to participate in social activities.

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