Saturday, January 12, 2019

Educational Quotes

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Every children undergo psychological changes during their growth stage, that includes studying as well  as reading , which is the most crucial essentials of early childhood nowadays. No one is born with the ability to know how to read and understand. During their first stages in kindergarten, youngsters learn step by step by getting to know the letters and gradually starting to read. Yet, this stage is becomes disturbed in some cases when the child is suffering from dyslexia. Dyslexia is a psychological disturbance that prevents the children from normal reading thus the child will have many obstacles to read fluently and see clearly. Dyslexia is the disorder that drives the words to dance along the paper confusing the child. For example Annie was a diseased child with dyslexia; she would hardly read her lesson because she sees the letters very wrong like she read “bear” instead of “dear”.
 In other words dyslexia is learning disabilities among children. Some experiments show that, first 1 in 5 people are victims of dyslexia, second among the children who have been placed in intensive centers for their learning disabilities are ¾ dyslexic, third dyslexic people tend to have more brilliant minds also they are more visionary and innovative, at last The US Department Of Health And Human Services claim that about 15% of people have dyslexia and that it is not a very rare disease. Many of multi-millionaire celebrities are “gifted” with dyslexia. From actors and entertainers, Jennifer Aniston is dyslexic and found out about her gift when she was in her 20’s. Even Jim Carrey, the world wide known comedian is diagnosed with dyslexia. Old famous inventors like Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein were dyslexic. There are dyslexic artists and designers too such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso and Tommy Hilfiger. John Lennon was a dyslexic vocalist, too. Billions of questions flow through everyone’s mind about dyslexia. So what are the causes of dyslexia? What are the symptoms of it? How could it be treated?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Essentialism In Education

Essentialism is the view toward some properties of certain objects that are important to them. The “essence” of a certain object is the sum of the essential properties. According to Essentialism, they have a concept that differs from the others, which is that the concept of the property is something essential to an object. This concept that the Essentialism have is somehow related to the concept of the necessity. One of it’s characteristics is that the property is important or essential to the object unless if the object can still be the same object if it lacks from that property. So if the property is not essential to the object, then it is an accidental property, according to Britannica articles. Therefore, if this “essence” which is known as property is important to the object, and the object loses that essences then the object loses its identity as well.
William Bagley, who is a professor at Columbia University’s Teacher College who is the main proponent of the Essentialism in education.
Bagley (1984) believed that progressive education damaged the moral standards and the intellectual abilities of the students, that’s why he proposed this philosophy knows as essentialism. Therefore, the main principle of essentialism in education is to endure the interests frequently that helps to grow the initial learning efforts. The second principle is to control and guide the immature towards the mature. The third principle which is the ultimate goal is the self-discipline and finally it provides a theory of education. Furthermore, it believes that a theory of education should start with the students’ natural interests to prepare them to social responses. It also believes that learning is the most effective way that directs the students to the purposes and concerns. In addition, students must learn to become active members on the society by actively participating in social activities and social works, Moreover, the curriculum of Essentialism includes ways to teach students to be intelligent and independent. This curriculum must be designed by the teachers and the students themselves. By this way, the students learn the best in their practices and their lives.
Essentialism’s main aim in education is that students should learn multiple subjects specially traditional basic subjects. So Essentialism’s aim is to give students the essential academic knowledge. 
The role of the teacher is Essentialism is important, because it is teacher centered philosophy. The main role of the teacher is to guide the classroom and the students toward educational Essentialism. So when the teacher is the center of the education, they must be disciplinary and rigid order. They must also be the role modal for the students.

Students role in the is to learn about people, events, ideas and institutions so that students get prepared for life and be able to participate in social activities.

Young Learners

As we all know learning starts when the individual is born. That's why it is very important to plan whatever is going to be spoke in front of the babies. They imitate everything their parents do, and this reflects when they start to talk, walk, and move around. When this individuals start to go to kindergarten, their personality starts to be shaped more based on the environment of the school. Some become more violent, while others get in line. The one that highly effects this process is the teacher herself. The teacher is the "parent" in the school. Like the students imitated their parents at younger ages, they will imitate the teacher sooner or later because they will be the one that students see and spent time rather than their parents. We should be careful at this point, we should think of ways to deal with them specially in the kindergarten because we become the idol of the students. For example if you cut your hair, the female students will want to cut their hair as well. Teaching Diploma's courses helps the person a lot, specially on behavioral issue rather than the content. That's why it is very important for the teacher to attend the TD courses so he/she will be fully prepared to deal with the class later on, because we may built their future and we may ruin it at the same time. 

Educational Quotes