Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Beginning of my TD's Journey

My TD journey began on Fall 2018 at LIU university. I thought this is going to be a rough year. But actually it is going easily and more fun than my previous degree’s courses. Two of my courses are with Dr. Rasha which inspires me a lot. The semester needs a lot of work and dedication in order to be pass it with good friends. The weird thing and the same time interesting is that we are meeting some students that are from the same major or other majors that were in the same university last year and we didn't met. I love all in all the atmosphere of what I am doing with my life now, which is the TD.


  1. well Datev, great job, i think you should continue your journey positively, because i know you can do it.

  2. TD is the best experience you could be part of. Enjoy it and make sure you get the best out of it! Good luck.

  3. Well this will be exciting to meet someone else who is in the same boat as me. I'm sure you'll do great and all the best of luck to you this year.

  4. Great job! TD is the best choice that make us the best future teachers and doctors. Good luck dear!

  5. TD seems really enjoyable because it gathered students from different majors. The four courses are highly beneficial and will help us in the future.I believe everyone can do it. Good luck everyone!

  6. Meeting new people would no doubt make it more joyful to learn and gain knowledge so good luck with your choice and hope you achieve all your goals!

  7. TD is an exciting thing to do, it will help you understand your students more and teaches you whether you are in the educational field or at life in general. wish you the best of luck and success for your future!

  8. yes you are right !! Mrs. Rasha is a very inspiring person.. I agree with you that becoming a students again is a very funny thing..

  9. I felt the same when I started my TD. I felt like I'm doing something meaningful for myself, for my own life, and for my career and for my students at the same time.And the best part of it is that you meet a lot of new pals, but you just get the tendency to blend in directly and without introductions.

  10. deeply wish you the best for you and for all of us. one I came to Lebanon to start my degree i felt the same and I thought this will be so hard but now I can see this is will be easy for all.

  11. i wish you the best in your journey, i think we all felt like you at the beginning of the semester. Everything is new, weird and interesting.

  12. All the best! It's really brave from you to change your major after 2 years, and it's amazing that you chose something you really like!

  13. Dr. Rasha is a true inspiration for most of us, very well she is one of yours! You seem to be a dedicated student and a hard working one. Good luck with your journey and may you have a life as bright and sweet as you are! <3

  14. It's funny that we all feel and think this way when it first starts but as it goes we begin to enjoy it and strive to work hard and put everything we've got to make it a fruitful one in the end.Good Luck!

  15. I wish you the best in your chosen journey. I hope you can eliminate the difficulties you face and you can manage your time.
    I hope you the best. best regards

  16. Good luck on your journey in getting your TD and I'm really glad that you like the atmosphere because that is essential at times.


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